A little bit about the ZIMBOCASH team
My name is Ana. I’m part of the ZIMBOCASH team. My role is to handle operations and commercial support. I am South African but I have lived in places all around the world, so I consider myself a global citizen.
I’m so proud to be a part of this movement. It is uniquely Zimbabwean but our team is from all over. You will have met Philip through his various fireside chats – he is Head of Communications. Then there is Laswet who is Head of the Subscriber Network. There are a few other Zimbabweans who are involved. One team member is from Switzerland and another from Zambia. Some people like to disclose their identities – others of us are a bit more shy. It’s an eclectic mix of people who are all united for this goal. ZIMBOCASH started as a movement over discussions several years ago about what Zimbabwe could look like with sound money.
Since our last fireside chat, the number of ZIMBOCASH allocations have halved. Every three months, the amount of ZIMBOCASH available to those who sign up and for referrals decreases by 50%. Currently, if you sign up, you will get 50 000 ZIMBOCASH and if you refer anyone or they click your link, you will get 5000 and 500 respectively.
The network is growing. The IT system is developing. We’ve had queries from potential funders. We’re engaging with authorities. ZIMBOCASH is beginning to take shape – day by day. Month by month.
Zimbabwe Roadshow
A few of us are doing a road-show in Zimbabwe to meet with the Zimbabwe Ambassadors next month. We’ll be in Bulawayo, Gweru and Harare. If you’re in town, we’d love to meet up with you while we are there. We’ll keep you posted on the exact dates and meeting times. The purpose is mostly to share the heart of why and what we are doing, allow you to ask questions and to ultimately empower you to own the process. Our job is to help each one of us take ZIMBOCASH to all of our communities.
IT Core Developers Team
We’re also excited to launch the IT Core Developers team. If you have unique skills in IT development and would like to apply to join the team, you can do so here.
We’re keeping this team small and nimble – so only the top qualified applicants will make it through. We unfortunately won’t be able to respond to all applications – except for those that have the specific qualifications for the job.
You can now log-in to ZIMBOCASH and see your latest balance, how many referrals you have and how many people have clicked your unique link. It is updated every 30 minutes. We have also included a password recovery in case you have forgotten your password. You will, however, need access to your email for the password recovery function.
Your unique link:
If you would like to refer others to the program – get them to use the unique link. When others click on the link, you get an extra 50 ZIMBOCASH for every click from a unique IP address. If people use the last five or six digits of the link below (your member ID) when they sign up, you will also get a further 5000 ZIMBOCASH.
Remember, this is your movement to own. Together, we have the ability to create a powerful financial system where people can save, feel secure with their online wallets and transact in a currency they trust.
Warm regards