Use the ZASH Accepted Here logo
Want to show people that you accept ZASH in your store? Download the ZASH Accepted Here logo

We’ve created a ZASH Accepted Here logo for you to use at your point-of-sale and on your websites. We love that you want to accept ZASH in trade with others!
You are welcome to download and use the ZASH Accepted Here logo; however, this is subject to the ZiTenga Brand & Logo Policy and our Terms & Conditions.
We are granting you a limited, non-exclusive, revocable licence for you to view, share, print or download the ZASH Accepted Here logo from the ZiTenga site, for your merchant use.
The ZASH Accepted Here graphic is for use where ZASH payments are accepted. All physical merchant locations and online merchant locations that accept ZASH for payment may display the ZASH Accepted Here graphic. We prefer the colour option, but you can also use the black and white option if you don’t have a colour printer.
Download the ZASH Accepted Here logo below: