We are very excited to launch the sign-up phase of ZIMBOCASH – a cryptocurrency for Zimbabweans. We hope you can use this, let us know if you have questions.
News From: The ZIMBOCASH team
Thursday 8 November 2018
Contact: community@
ZIMBOCASH – Uniquely Zimbabwean, Globally Recognised
We are proud to announce the launch of ZIMBOCASH – a cryptocurrency that is available to all Zimbabweans at no cost.
ZIMBOCASH is a cryptocurrency for all Zimbabweans. Any Zimbabwean with a Zimbabwean ID can register for their 100 000 ZIMBOCASH at www.zitenga.com and will get more when they refer friends.
Following the registration period, we’ll launch the ZIMBOCASH cryptocurrency on a fixed blockchain. That means no more money printing. Only fast and secure transactions.
We’ll list ZIMBOCASH on a bitcoin exchange at a list price of US$ 0.02 each. Based on this value, each 100 000 ZIMBOCASH allocation could be worth up to $2 000. Buyers and sellers will be able to trade ZIMBOCASH with reference to a market price.
The registration period is for three months only – no new ZIMBOCASH will be allocated after 31 January. International buyers will be able to purchase ZIMBOCASH on the secondary market from Zimbabweans once it is listed on the exchange.
A white paper detailing ZIMBOCASH can be found on the website, www.zitenga.com together with the registration form and other key details.
The official details are as follows:
Organisation name: ZIMBOCASH
Website: www.zitenga.com
Contacts: community@
Kind regards,